45mm Track Ball
Ideal for a MAME cab this trackball is recognized as a three-button mouse under Windows.
Find or learn Marble Madness and missile command to control like the original game.
Very simple to implement!
- Smoothly trackball rolling action
- Fantistic LED trackball
- Operates just like a standard 3-Button computer mouse
- PS/2 plug and quick connects, will work with any computer through its PS/2 connection
- Attached wiring (for push buttons) equipped with .187" female quick disconnects
- Long lasting, low power LEDs illuminating clear trackball, when connected the color changes to Red & Green using in built LED's
- Low cost real trackball works with any PC application (including MAME)
- Can be used on a PC as a mouse or connected to your arcade cabinet
- Clear ball with Green Lit & Red using LEDS that light when moved.
Track Ball Includes: